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Thursday, December 6, 2007

Top Hot messes of the year and Britney is ....#1 !!!

Did a week go by where Britney wasn't on the cover of a gossip rag? In fact, Britney's '07 life was in such turmoil that it's hard keep all the stories straight. Obviously, none of us will ever forget her mid-February marathon of checking in and out of rehab, shaving her head and smashing a paparazzo's car with an umbrella (-ella, -ella).

But do you remember her New Year's Eve collapse? Or her "secret" short tour where she barely lip-synched, barely danced and barely lasted more than 15 minutes? How about her cuckoo Web site posts (one of which implied she was considering naming her album, "OMG Is Like Lindsay Lohan OK Like?"). Yep, that was all 2007.

After her depressing display at the VMAs, Spears had unintentionally mastered the art of the un-surprise. By the end of the year, we were immune to her antics. "So, Britney tried on underwear in the middle of a store. And ...?" Perhaps the only thing left that surprises us is her music career. Not only did she get a new album in stores this fall, but it received strong reviews and sold fairly well considering the state she — and the music industry — are in.

Too bad those pesky kids, those nasty custody hearings and those dang photographers' feet keep getting in the way.



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